I am currently obsessed with all of the following.
White Liner
Oh, white eyeliner, how I love thee. I fell in love with white eyeliner in my early 20s while watching a certain trendsetting character wear it and look just so dang good with it. During that time (for me), Carrie Bradshaw could do no wrong. If I couldn’t be her, I could at least steal some tips from her.
Pat McGrath Gold 001
Pat McGrath has launched her first beauty product!!! It is a beautiful metallic, gold pigment. I wish I could of been in Paris yesterday at the Tuileries to witness the magic but I am here not there.
Glossy Lips
Sometimes when I think about lip-gloss I can’t help but think of the early 2000s when lip-gloss was rampant. I visualize my fav gals like Britney spears and Kate Hudson on TRL (Total Request Live is a TV show for all you youngsters). Lip-gloss and a tan were all the jam. Everything was shimmery, low slung, and just bright. I think of all the POP in pop culture that was going on at that time. It was the beginning of the explosion of celebrity culture. And what were they wearing?? Lip-gloss.
Simplify. It’s a word that has been rolling around my head since the new year began. I want to simplify my life as much as possible. I mean not just my physical reality but my emotional reality, as well.