Simplify. It’s a word that has been rolling around my head since the new year began. I want to simplify my life as much as possible. I mean not just my physical reality but my emotional reality, as well.
In an unofficial way (it hasn’t gone in my diary or anything), this has become my New Year’s resolution. I don’t know if it’s a 30s thing, or I’m tired, but I want to get rid of everything I don’t need. I want to pare down my life as much as I can stand. I don’t want complicated, and I don’t want to hold onto a pair of shoes I haven’t worn for two years. ALL THINGS NOT NEEDED MUST GO.
It has been very freeing. There is something so wonderful about understanding what you do and do not need. I think it’s important. I’m finding I want less, so I can clear the path for other things like love and joy. That’s what I want more of.
Emily’s beauty look (above) was created with simplicity in mind. I used a single lipstick. We live in a time where doing your makeup has become quite the process. It’s fun to see how far beautifying has come, but it’s also great to know you don’t need much to feel beautiful.
With beauty, or generally in life, letting go of what you don't need is a constant conversation. You don't wake up one day a different person, changed or better. You have to work on it with yourself. You have to be in the work of change. Only then is it easy to say "I don't need this anymore".
Mac Lipstick in Mocha
photos Mary Claire Roman
model Emily Berg
makeup, hair, styling Janelle Walker
edit Kristen Fogle