If you’ve come to this blog before you will be familiar with Mary Claire’s beautiful photography. She is my collaborator and friend on this lovely space. She, time and again, takes my breath away with her beautiful work. Her ability to capture beauty in all it’s subtly is something I’m not even sure how to truly describe, but I am always emotional when she sends me new photos. She has the ability to capture someone’s true essence, someone’s heart in a photo. What a gift that is.
Cheyne & Heather
Happy Valentine’s Day!! Today I thought I would celebrate the day of love with love. Ever since I saw Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet my life has never been the same. I am obsessed with love and romance. As I’ve gotten older and I now obsess less about Leo DiCaprio, I wonder about longevity and the realness in real life relationships, as I currently reside in singledom. I love learning how people meet but more importantly how do people stay together? I know love involves a bit magic, kismet but the older I get the more I'm interested in people who have been together for a while, who have built their lives together and still seem truly in love with each other.
No Makeup Mondays: One
Welcome to no makeup Mondays! Where I post a photo of me not wearing makeup. Something I absolutely do not want to do! I decided to do this because I think vulnerability is the key to real, authentic beauty. I find my real beauty when I bare not just my face but also my heart. I figured with #nomakeupmondays I could do both. Real beauty is about love and acceptance for our truest selves, our stories and our inner workings.
I met Sarah a few years ago working on a shoot together with a mutual friend. We, like most people these days, began to follow each other on Instagram. I’ve since kept updated on her life through her open, honest words and beautiful photos about motherhood. She has carried that openness throughout her fraternal twin pregnancy (boy and girl) while also caring for her young toddler Penny. It is because of that honesty that I felt the urge to reach out and ask if she would let me doll her up, chat with her, and put her here in this space.
Alive in New Mexico
I took a trip at the end of September/beginning of October to New Mexico with my sister. Road tripping out to the southwest is something I have wanted to do for a while. For over a year it has been steadily streaming through my brain, “get to New Mexico”. I don’t know where this started or why but the seed was implanted. That seed had another little seed inside it and it said “get to New Mexico and see Georgia O’Keeffe’s home and studio in Abiquiu.”
Tracey is a wife, sister, daughter, friend, model, and in the last year she has been Mom to Kirra and Greyson, her twins. I asked her to share her story of motherhood on this very special day of celebrating all the beautiful things our mothers do and are.
Alejandra (Ale) Hernandez is a stylist living and working out of Los Angeles, CA. I met her many moons ago through a mutual friend, and one of the first things I remember about her is that she seemed so strong, confident, had a fierce determination, and was someone who knows who she is while making no apologizes about it...
At some point in your life you’ve probably heard (or seen on Pinterest) the quote “Life is a journey, not a destination” by Ralph Waldo Emerson or some variation of it. Lately, I’ve been thinking about this a lot...
I owe Rachel a bit of credit for inspiring of Monday’s post “It’s Not About the Back”. My conversation with her opened a space for me through her story of overcoming her eating disorder. She spoke so candidly with me about things that are all too common for most women and how we see our bodies. Listening to her story I found commonalities in my own struggles with my body.
It's Not About The Back Fat
If you don’t know yet, I am a huge Brené Brown fan. I read her book “Daring Greatly” last summer and again this summer. Her research on the way shame works on us and how much we need to learn to access our vulnerability in a society that teaches us the opposite has shaped and changed not only how I view myself but also the way I see people in general.