Oh August, how I loathe you and your burning heat. It's hot outside and I somehow feel like I am in a perpetual sweat or at least trying really hard to avoid a perpetual sweat which then makes me sweat(!!). How do I stay cool then? I do it by keeping everything really simple. Especially my beauty routine.
My survival is less is more. So, I keep it clean. If my hair wasn't currently short I would sporting Jil's look in the above photos. Buns, braids and complaining are how I deal with the end of summer hair and lack of AC.
I also like to keep my makeup as matte as possible. The idea of anything sparkly(sweaty glitter…is there anything worse) or heavy sounds like a nightmare. It all melts. You want to make sure that when it does melt, you still look like you. Keep it simple. Keep it clean.
RMS Beauty Un Cover-up, Makeup Forever Aqua Liner, Stila Convertible Color Camellia.
Butter Lippy Lip Gloss Hot Totty
photos Mary Claire Roman
model Jilian Harvey
makeup, hair, styling Janelle Walker
written Janelle Walker